
Personal consultancy and training for the personnel

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The company's success resides in each and every employee - from production workers to top management. You have an idea of the ideal candidate, we will help you to find and train them - effectively and quickly.

We pay the specific attention to the selection of suitable employees - searching the workers, open competition, selection, testing and training of selected workers. We'll also help with the administration associated with personal agenda - filling in documents, forms, and other necessary basic papers.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are ready for your queries and requirements.

The comprehensive building of newly established companies

Company establishment in a new environment brings the amount of painstaking work. At our place, you can find all the services associated with the launch of operation under one roof.

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The cost saving of calculation and controlling

by defining the causes and taking corrective measures, we'll turn your red numbers into the profit. Put yourself in our hands and start the economic growth.

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Personal consultancy and training for the personnel

good employees are crucial for the effective operation of any business. We'll ensure a selection of the most suitable workers for you.

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Optimization of processes in transport companies

we'll resolve the activities associated with the operation of a transport company. Thanks to the local knowledge we'll optimize and accelerate the logistics processes.

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Design 2

We cooperate with top experts in the field of personnel and legal consultancy and accounting and tax services. The team of experts is ready to resolve all possible (and impossible) situations associated with operation a newly established company.

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